A friend sent me a postcard of a painting by Magritte. L'Incendie, The Blaze. It reminded me of a tree I could see from my kitchen window across the valley in the last days of Autumn last year. I love the colour - so looking forward to some colour again after this grey, cold winter.
I dug out the embellisher and constructed the fabric with wool, snippets of sheer fabrics, appliqued cotton for the trees and machine embroidery.
The little blue panel is based on a section of Gaudi inspired mosaic. The fabric is dyed cotton, with reverse applique and hand embroidery.
Today I visited an exhibition of work by Bethan Ash at a local venue Prema, in Uley near Stroud.
The pieces looked so vibrant in the setting of the old chapel and were very well displayed, in two rooms. The pieces on the ground floor were mounted on the rich red painted walls which really enhanced the colour and pattern. Then we went to see an exhibition of paintings by David Tress in the Victoria Art Gallery, Bath. His landscapes are painted on thick layered paper with equally thick layers of paint. The effect is very striking. Some pieces are inscribed with a sharp implement to make disturbing marks across the image. The way he uses colour and light really gave me something to think about. I had a lovely day.